Along the Shores of Glass
Sometimes when a day is full of tension and conflict we can turn a corner and come upon the most calming view to wash over our soul. I hope your days are filled with many of these.
Sometimes when a day is full of tension and conflict we can turn a corner and come upon the most calming view to wash over our soul. I hope your days are filled with many of these.
As we go through the summer months or even the fall and spring, golf is one of the outdoor sports some of us enjoy to no end. Even on a rainy day you can drive by a course and see the dedicated golfers willing to go out no matter the rain or shine. I had…
Is there a time in your past when you to took a trip and came home and said, “I’ve got to do that again?” For me, it is the out of doors. All of it. Sailing, kayaking, camping, hiking and on and on it goes. I hope your life has a passion that moves you.…
Winter weather brings on some great outdoor activities and snowmobile racing is one that will surely scare the wildlife but bring the humans running. Here are some images from this event. In you’re interested in attending one of these festivals your can go to their website. Go To Their Website #NASF
On a late evening after all the foot traffic and most of the cars had stopped moving about I went downtown to work on this image. It took 6 images to create one image. Time lapse up to 70 seconds to get the full effect I was looking for. I was on location about 2.5…